V2EX = way to explore
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V2EX  ›  Livid  ›  全部回复第 1401 页 / 共 1429 页
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2010-07-24 21:58:39 +08:00
回复了 Htom 创建的主题 MacBook Pro MBP换硬盘问题?
2010-07-24 20:26:29 +08:00
回复了 airwolf 创建的主题 iAd 关于 iAd 的问题
2010-07-24 20:07:07 +08:00
回复了 pearma 创建的主题 V2EX hey,it is said that i can twitter now
First, go to /settings , link your Twitter account via OAuth. If success you'll see a little blue bird on menu, click it then you can tweet from V2EX.
2010-07-24 19:27:26 +08:00
回复了 airwolf 创建的主题 iAd 关于 iAd 的问题
看到 60 Seconds 里的 Nissan 广告了!
2010-07-24 06:38:56 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Python Tornado Web hits 1.0
@jorakura 是一个类似 GAE 的 Python Web Framework/Server,可以用来做 web app。大部分 GAE app 稍加更改即可跑在 Tornado 上。

FriendFeed 的人(前 Google 员工)做的,FF 就跑在 Tornado 上。现在 FF 被 Facebook 收购之后,Facebook 在维护这个东西。
2010-07-24 06:36:28 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进

2010-07-24 06:29:21 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进


2010-07-24 06:27:31 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进
>>> len(u'测试'.encode('utf-8'))

2010-07-24 06:25:51 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进
Python 的 UTF-8 的加解密造成 status 长度计算在各个部分有差异,在涉及到 OAuth 之后就会尤其复杂。

2010-07-24 06:11:02 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进

ERROR 2010-07-23 22:10:26,256 topic.py:385] Failed to sync to Twitter for Reply #58
2010-07-24 06:08:24 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进
@jorakura 你的那个回复我去本地开发环境里试一下看看是什么问题。
2010-07-24 06:02:46 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进
每个帖子的 opt-in 下周就会有。
2010-07-24 06:02:30 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 V2EX V2EX 的 Twitter 功能改进
V2EX 的 Twitter 客户端可以在普通的网络环境下用,但是第一次 OAuth 必须使用一些额外的网络条件。
2010-07-24 05:31:02 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Python Tornado Web hits 1.0
Backwards-incompatible changes:
* RequestHandler.get_error_html() now receives the exception object as
a keyword argument if the error was caused by an uncaught exception.
* Secure cookies are now more secure, but incompatible with cookies
set by Tornado 0.2. To read cookies set by older versions of Tornado,
pass include_name=False to RequestHandler.get_secure_cookie()
* Parameters passed to RequestHandler.get/post() by extraction from
the path now have %-escapes decoded, for consistency with the
processing that was already done with other query parameters.
2010-07-24 05:30:53 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Python Tornado Web hits 1.0
New features:
* Improved support for running other WSGI applications in a Tornado
server (tested with Django and CherryPy)
* Improved performance on Mac OS X and BSD (kqueue-based IOLoop), and
experimental support for win32
* Rewritten AsyncHTTPClient available as
tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient2 (this will become the default in a
future release)
* Support for standard .mo files in addition to .csv in the locale module
* Pre-forking support for running multiple Tornado processes at once
(see HTTPServer.start())
* SSL and gzip support in HTTPServer
* reverse_url() function refers to urls from the Application config by
name from templates and RequestHandlers
* RequestHandler.on_connection_close() callback is called when the
client has closed the connection (subject to limitations of the
underlying network stack, any proxies, etc)
* Static files can now be served somewhere other than /static/ via the
static_url_prefix application setting
* URL regexes can now use named groups ("(?P<name>)") to pass
arguments to get()/post() via keyword instead of position
* HTTP header dictionary-like objects now support multiple values for
the same header via the get_all() and add() methods.
* Several new options in the httpclient module, including
prepare_curl_callback and header_callback
* Improved logging configuration in tornado.options.
* UIModule.html_body() can be used to return html to be inserted at
the end of the document body.
2010-07-24 03:47:48 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Project Babel 第一个 API 接口上线
Member 的那个 JSON API 应该足够用于制作 Blog 或者其他地方的 personal badge。
2010-07-24 03:44:01 +08:00
回复了 GordianZ 创建的主题 反馈 Minor issues
2010-07-24 03:12:48 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Google App Engine 刚刚看到,来自 @twitterapi
2010-07-24 02:53:43 +08:00
回复了 Livid 创建的主题 Google App Engine 刚刚看到,来自 @twitterapi
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