sudo tmutil delete -d /Volumes/TimeMachine -t 2023-12-31-201608 -p /private/var/db
但是 -p 只对 HFS 备份生效,这个命令删除了我的整个备份
man tmutil
delete [-d backup_mount_point -t timestamp] [-p path]
Deletes the backups with the specified timestamp from the backup volume mounted at the specified mountpoint. The -t option followed by a timestamp can be used multiple
times to specify multiple backups to delete. For HFS backup disks, a specific path to delete can also be specified using the -p option. This verb can delete items from
backups that were not made by, or are not claimed by, the current machine. Requires root and Full Disk Access privileges.
MasterCai 343 天前 via iPhone
tm 的文件系统不是 read only 吗?之前试过类似的事情,没成功,应该只能整个删除
Aurora0 OP @MasterCai #1 看一下这个
MasterCai 343 天前 via iPhone
这样啊,我是直接从 finder 打开之后,尝试删除失败的