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Looking for great back-end rust development

  •   jackey115 · 274 天前 · 1107 次点击
    这是一个创建于 274 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    As an Open Source RGB/Lightning Developer, you will be a part of the team that contributes to the development of the RGB protocol for assets on top of Bitcoin and the Lightning Network, aimed at building a new ecosystem of Bitcoin based decentralized financial applications. This includes:

    Contributing to improve and evolve the code functional to the RGB protocol. Development and maintenance of libraries to facilitate RGB integration for wallet developers. Development and maintenance of an RGB compatible Bitcoin wallet. Development and maintenance of Lightning Network and DEX compatible applications. requirements

    Knowledgeable about Bitcoin, Lightning Network and related applications. Knowledgeable about Rust, Docker and Linux Work experience: Rust > 2 years, able to provide personal github address. Salary:4000-8000USD/month

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