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广州汇丰银行 - TEKsystems - 招聘 Scala Big Data Developer 15k-22k * 14 - partial WFH

  •   labargeferrye · 171 天前 · 563 次点击
    这是一个创建于 171 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Scala Big Data Developer
    Salary: 15k-22k * 14

    The system will use many open source and vendor products to deliver the solution. The key technologies are
    • Scala
    • Hadoop/Spark
    • GraphX
    • Machine Learning
    • Elastic Search
    • HTML5/ D3

    • Data science/engineering background
    • Development experience in Scala, Hadoop, Spark
    • Strong development experience in big data processing systems
    • Provide prioritization, planning, estimating, work assignments, quality assurance and mentoring at any stage of a project.
    • Identify and develop the Technical Design documents. Develop and document high level Conceptual Data Process designs for review by data analysts.
    • Provide training, guidance, assistance, and knowledge transfer among team members.
    • Perform other duties as assigned. Overall, a good general technical knowledge.
    • Experience in social network analysis
    • Experience on Google Cloud Platform

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