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V2EX  ›  酷工作

在美国(美时区)招一位 tech lead(CTO)

  •   Machcd · 58 天前 · 1440 次点击
    这是一个创建于 58 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    我们是一家 web3 的创业公司,需要一位技术 leader 。岗位最好 base 美国,或者以美国时区工作。以下是岗位介绍:
    Head of Engineering
    We’re seeking an experienced Head of Engineering to lead and drive our technical teams, focusing on cutting-edge infrastructure development in the blockchain space. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of p2p networks, L1/L2 architectures, and be fluent in multiple programming languages. You will be responsible for overseeing engineering projects, building scalable systems, and ensuring high-quality code delivery. This role requires strong leadership skills and the ability to communicate effectively across teams.

    - Lead and manage engineering teams, ensuring technical excellence and alignment with company goals
    - Design and develop scalable and performant p2p networks and blockchain architectures, with a focus on L1/L2 solutions
    - Oversee the implementation of key infrastructure features in Rust, Go, and Typescript
    - Collaborate with cross-functional teams to drive technical initiatives and product roadmap execution
    - Ensure the architecture and infrastructure are scalable, maintainable, and secure
    - Foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement within the engineering team
    - Communicate effectively with stakeholders to ensure alignment between engineering and business objectives

    - 5+ years of engineering experience, with at least 3 years in leadership or engineering management roles
    - Fluency with p2p networks, particularly using libp2p, and strong knowledge of L1/L2 blockchain architectures
    - Expertise in Rust, Go, and Typescript development
    - Strong engineering management experience, including team building, project management, and mentoring
    - Excellent communication skills, able to articulate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders
    - Proven track record of delivering high-quality engineering solutions in a fast-paced environment
    - Highly organized with a strong focus on proces

    请联系 [email protected]
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