将近五年前,我在本站分享了 C&C 一代开源的消息: https://v2ex.com/t/673834
本来后来也没太关注相关的东西了,不过今天睡觉前 Discord 群里突然弹了个通知,仔细一看实在太炸裂了:
github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Generals_Zero_Hour electronicarts/CnC_Generals_Zero_Hour: Command and Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
新闻: www.pcgamer.com/games/strategy/ea-just-released-source-code-for-a-bunch-of-old-command-and-conquer-games-and-added-steam-workshop-support-to-bangers-like-c-and-c-3-tiberium-wars EA just released source code for a bunch of old Command and Conquer games, and added Steam Workshop support to bangers like C&C 3: Tiberium Wars | PC Gamer
我在上一个主题中说过,社区有个 Thyme 项目试图逆向工程该游戏,项目人员吐槽如下:
Why does everything I try to reverse engineer manifest in its source code in open source form?
同时开源的还有更冷门的 C&C Renegade: github.com/electronicarts/CnC_Renegade electronicarts/CnC_Renegade: Command and Conquer: Renegade
太晚了不好写更多东西,不过今天能不能睡得着是个问题 ...
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jasonyang9 25 天前 via Android
ra 也开源👍 但没 ra2 ,hn 有人八卦 2 的代码丢了😱 另外暴雪不跟上?心心念 sc 久已😀