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iOS 9 中安全便捷浏览相关的新功能

  •   freewizard · 2015-06-09 13:15:39 +08:00 · 2459 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3399 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。



    • Use the Packet Tunnel Provider extension point to implement the client side of a custom VPN tunneling protocol. [1]
    • Use the App Proxy Provider extension point to implement the client side of a custom transparent network proxy protocol. [1]
    • Use the Filter Data Provider and the Filter Control Provider extension points to implement dynamic, on-device network content filtering. [1]
    • Use the Content Blocking extension point to give Safari a block list describing the content that you want to block while your users are browsing the web.


    • App Transport Security (ATS) lets an app add a declaration to its Info.plist file that specifies the domains with which it needs secure communication. ATS prevents accidental disclosure, provides secure default behavior, and is easy to adopt. You should adopt ATS as soon as possible, regardless of whether you’re creating a new app or updating an existing one.
    • In iOS 9, your app can register to open web links (using https or http) directly, bypassing Safari. This connection between your app and website helps Apple surface your app content in search results.
    • SFSafariViewController can be used to display web content within your app. It shares cookies and other website data with Safari

    [1] requires special permission from Apple.

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