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[上海] C++ Developer- 美国顶尖交易公司(月薪 20K 起)

  •   recruiterit · 2016-08-02 18:02:43 +08:00 · 2998 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2893 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    招聘: 美国顶尖做市商: C++ Developer-高性能交易系统-上海
    • Key Skills: C++, STL, template, Boost, Linux, UNIX, Multithreading
    • Cutting-edge technologies
    • Talented and strong co-workers
    • Website: www.akunacapital.com

    Who We Are

    Akuna Capital is a derivatives trading firm headquartered in downtown Chicago that specializes in market making and arbitrage. Akuna started with five employees in 2011 and we now have over 140. In 2014 we grew by 84%, opening our first international office and our third U.S. office. The future continues to be a very exciting frontier for Akuna. Our founders remain a strong part of the company and work alongside junior members, building Akuna together. We compete directly with the largest market making and arbitrage firms in the world. We develop our own software strategies, algorithms, and models. We also have floor traders so we are not entirely an electronic firm. We have no clients and trade only using the firm ’ s own money from its partners. We use cutting-edge technology to build our low latency platform. Unlike other firms, we do not have legacy code and are therefore able to implement new strategies to be more agile in the creation of our trading systems. All of this leads to efficient design and allows our traders to be more effective. Other trading firms keep their quant, development, and trading teams very separate. At Akuna, we are a very collaborative team and believe that this type of integration is vital for success in this industry. We have a fun, innovative and collaborative culture where each employee plays a key role in our firm ’ s success.
    公司总部位于美国芝加哥,在上海,波士顿设有分部,我们是美国最大的期权产品做市商之一。交易主要集中在 芝加哥商品交易所,芝加哥期权交易所, ISE, 纽约证券交易所,和纳斯达克市场, 涉及的产品包含股票指数期权,利率期权及期货 (国债) ,外汇期权以及商品(谷物,牲畜,石油,和黄金)期货期权。我们有经验丰富的优秀交易员和创新开拓的 IT 精英。 Akuna 上海目前正在组建团队,打造最前沿的期权期货交易系统。在这里,你可以更加接近市场,帮助交易员解决技术问题,接触到交易策略。这里是技术和市场结合最前沿的地方。(我们是属于做市商,主要做期权产品,期货)

    How we ’ re Different
    We like to think of trading firms as big machines with a lot of moving parts. We have a number of competitors in the proprietary market-making industry that we hold in high esteem because they are efficient, finished machines and have some really great traders and developers who keep them running. What ’ s different about Akuna is that we are still building the machine, and we think it is in line to be one of the best in the trading space. Junior employees are quickly given responsibilities, actively working alongside our senior team and getting direct access to management. Our employees are enterprising, ambitious individuals who thrive in an environment where they are developing the firm, not just doing a job.

    What you ’ ll do as a C++ Developer at Akuna:
    • Plan, design and implement high quality Linux services
    • Engage with traders and developers and articulate ideas clearly
    • Build software using Agile methodologies
    • Participate in design sessions and code reviews
    • Work on cross-functional teams to troubleshoot and solve complex problems
    • Design and implementation of database schemas/data storage
    Qualities that make great candidates:
    • Understanding of distributed systems, data structures and algorithms
    • Practical use of multi-threaded / multi-core programming paradigms
    • Object-oriented design and programming experience
    • Familiar with Object databases or similar
    • Experience with Linux and Python required
    • Understanding of PostgreSQL and HDF
    • Experience developing performant, scalable applications in C++ (Experience in C++11 will be a big plus)
    • Good English communication skill

    We will offer:
    • A huge opportunity to work within a trading environment on complex challenges
    • Work with cutting edge technologies with a hands on approach
    • Have direct interaction and impact on the business
    • Systematic Training (Finance and IT)
    • 20 days annual leave

    If you are interested in it, email to [email protected]
    5 条回复    2016-08-26 16:52:06 +08:00
       2016-08-02 22:49:42 +08:00
    吼吼,拉勾网上投过, C++11/Python/Linux/Multithreading..... 瞬间就被不合适。。。看不懂
       2016-08-03 10:29:19 +08:00
    @matthewgao 我也是,技术栈完全适合,只是项目经验不是金融方向,秒被不合适
       2016-08-03 12:48:54 +08:00 via iPad
    @eliteYang 这个 20k 再这个行业算低的,基本都在百万级别的。做市商策略策略尤其是期权相当赚钱。
       2016-08-03 14:40:20 +08:00
    Akuna 我面到最终面, 对于应届毕业生而言, bar 很高 -_-
       2016-08-26 16:52:06 +08:00
    我曾经拿到 offer 了,没有去,在上海的
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