看了一下 VS4Mac 的 feature Build native mobile and Mac apps in C# With complete access to Xamarin for Visual Studio, share up to 90% of code while building native apps for iOS, Android, and macOS, and test your apps with one-click access to Xamarin Test Cloud.
90%的,请叫那剩下的 10%的怎么办?并且 Xamarin 好用么,请教用过的同学
hjc4869 2016-11-28 17:35:17 +08:00 1
剩下 10%的平台相关代码当然分开写。。
Xamarin 今年动静不小,比前几年好用多了,不过还差口气,再等几年估计就能称得上好用了。 |