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  •   brucebot · 2012-05-12 15:20:12 +08:00 · 2680 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4543 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Getting myBalsamiq free for Open-Source projects#



    We're big fans of open-source software, and want to support serious open-source efforts as much as we can.

    Because myBalsamiq has fixed costs for us month after month, we have to be a little more restrictive in who we give open-source access than we do with Mockups for Desktop (see above).

    To apply for a free myBalsamiq site, your open source project must fulfill the following requirements:

    The project is licensed under a license approved by the Open Source Initiative.
    The project is alive and well and you can prove it (with an ohloh.net page for instance or some press mentions).
    Your open source project has a publicly accessible website.
    The project source code is available for download.
    If you are a core committer to an open-source project and interested in this program, please follow these steps to apply:

    Sign up for myBalsamiq and confirm your email address (this is important).
    Email [email protected]. Be sure to include the follwing information.
    Your myBalsamiq subdomain:
    Your Name and title:
    Project Name:
    Project Home Page:
    Proof that your project is alive and well:
    Where we can download your source code:
    We will email you back if we need any clarification.
    That's it! If we approve your application, you'll see that your myBalsamiq site is free the next time you use it. Give us a few days.
    2 条回复    1970-01-01 08:00:00 +08:00
       2012-05-12 15:25:32 +08:00
    THX, mark.
       2012-05-12 15:37:46 +08:00
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