首先,感谢 V 站平台,过去的这一年多因为 V 站,认识了些大牛工程师,也我让我这个小 HR 学到很多。鞠躬致谢!
那么我的再次出现也是为了招新的职位啦,即产品经理 /产品设计师!欢迎技术型 PM/PD 来聊哦,再发一波招聘信息:敲黑板、划重点:
我们是非著名机器人公司 Vincross:
Vincross 专注于开发有用的机器人,我们的产品线覆盖机器人硬件、操作系统、软件应用、网络服务等完整的机器人生态链。全地形六足机器人 HEXA 是 Vincross 的旗舰产品,与其配合的是线上售卖产品的电商系统、能够直接控制 HEXA 的原生 App 和基于 HEXA 的应用平台。在这里你设计的是前所未有的产品。同时我们也希望你是有能力创造下一代人工智能的同伴。
- 官网:www.vincross.com
*** 我们需要你做的有:
- 参与产品战略拆解,根据拆解后的方向确定业务流程、产品形态(产品平台包括但不限于硬件产品、Web、App、PC 客户端);
- 负责梳理产品交互逻辑、产出线框图,并撰写产品需求文档,以保证项目成员对产品细节的理解准确到位;
- 与 UI 设计师、技术开发人员紧密配合,并负责项目管理,并跟踪设计、开发、测试以及数据监测等各个环节,以保证产品及时、高质量上线发布;
- 与负责用户运营的成员密切合作,及时根据用户反馈优化产品。
- 大学统招本科及以上学历(国内学历需 985/211 ),心理学 /设计 /工科背景;
- 对用户体验 /交互设计有较强的理解能力,能够设计行业内无成熟方案的产品;
- 高度责任心,做事讲求创新和突破,有团队合作精神,有项目管理能力;
- 优秀的执行能力,沟通协调能力与合作能力,善于与不同职能的同事交流用户体验设计细节;
- 有成熟创业公司( A 轮及以上)工作经验优先,应届毕业生需有成熟项目经验,或实习经验。
奉上英文 JD,欢迎大家来砸简历和作品,请以“张三-应聘产品经理 /产品设计师”发送至: [email protected]
Product Designer
- Vincross is more than just a technology company that designs, develops, and distributes consumer robotics.We are a group of inventive individuals with an imagination for advancing mankind. With our operating systems, applications, online services, and a six-leg robot called HEXA, any idea, no matter how implausible, suddenly becomes conceivable.
We are building products that never exist before. And we are looking for talents that we are building the future with.
Your responsibilities
- Work with leads and researchers to understand user needs and develop product requirements.
- Create elegant and useful documentation that captures and communicates user experience details and concepts for designers and engineers.
- Collaborate with designers and engineers to support project execution, helping to set a high bar for quality on design and development outcomes.
- Work with researchers, data analysts and support team to iterate the product based on user feedback.
- BA/BS in Computer Science, Human-computer Interaction, or a related field or equivalent practical experience.
- Product management or design experience with a focus on software products and technologies.
- Excellent project management skills.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills with proven ability to quickly absorb technical concepts and effectively communicate them to a non-technical audience.
- Strong analytical, troubleshooting and problem-solving skills.