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利用 PHP -PM 提高 Laravel ~15 倍性能

  •   kslr · 2018-01-17 14:47:15 +08:00 · 1248 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2458 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    It's based on ReactPHP and works best with applications that use request-response frameworks like Symfony's HTTPKernel. The approach of this is to kill the expensive bootstrap of PHP (declaring symbols, loading/parsing files) and the bootstrap of feature-rich frameworks. See Performance section for a quick hint. PHP-PM basically spawns several PHP instances as worker bootstraping your application (eg. the whole Symfony Kernel) and hold it in the memory to be prepared for every incoming request: This is why PHP-PM makes your application so fast.

    More information can be found in the article: Bring High Performance Into Your PHP App (with ReactPHP) http://marcjschmidt.de/blog/2014/02/08/php-high-performance.html

    Performance boost up to 15x (compared to PHP-FPM, Symfony applications).
    Integrated load balancer.
    Hot-Code reload (when PHP files change).
    Static file serving for easy development procedures.
    Support for HttpKernel (Symfony/Laravel), Drupal (experimental), Zend (experimental).

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