批量创建和导入 SecureCRT Sessions 过程很简单,只是我花了一点时间寻找合适的方法,没想到还是官方的最简单,如果大家已经有现成的配置文件,直接把别人的拷贝过来就好了,不用自己造轮子。说实话我在 Windows 上用 Xmanager/Xshell,MacBook 上使用 iTerm2,Mac 上似乎也没有特别舒服的 GUI,批量操作还是推荐 Ansible。
Import Arbitrary Data From File To SecureCRT Sessions
2018 年 07 月 17 日 - 初稿
阅读原文 - https://wsgzao.github.io/post/securecrt/
VanDyke Software Forums - https://forums.vandyke.com/forumdisplay.php?f=14
This example shows how to create sessions from information in a text file (.csv format by default, but this can be edited to fit the format you have).
Note: This script will only work with SecureCRT version 7.2 and later.
# ImportArbitraryDataFromFileToSecureCRTSessions.py
# (Designed for use with SecureCRT 7.2 and later)
# Last Modified: 16 May, 2018
# - Add a section to the results log that shows lines that weren't
# imported. Lines are shown in a way that makes it easier to re-
# run the script to import those lines after they've been modified
# to correct any issues idendified (missing fields, too many fields,
# disallowed characters in folder or session name, etc.) Also
# modified the results log to have a formatting that more closely
# matches that of the vbscript version to provide more consistency
# when running the script regardless of the platform.
# - Set session options for all imported sessions to reflect commonly
# desired configurations (color scheme, anti-idle, log file naming,
# larger scrollback buffer, etc.)
# - Validate both folder paths and session names to prevent errors
# that would normally stop the script. Report such failures at the
# end of the scipt rather than halting the script in media res.
# This validation includes preventing any attempts to name a session
# with any disallowed character or illegal name (CON, PRN, AUX, NUL,
# etc.)
# Last Modified: 23 Feb, 2018
# - Info-blurb about sessions that were created during the import was
# missing from the results log
# - If running on Windows, and unable to write to results log, make
# sure clipboard data containing the results log info is formatted
# with \r\n instead of just \n so that it's legible in Notepad, for
# example, when pasted.
# Last Modified: 21 Dec, 2017
# - Allow multiple 'description' fields on the same line. All will be
# compounded together with each one ending up on a separate line in
# the Session's Description session option.
# - Allow 'username' field to be defaulted in the header line
# - Duplicate sessions are now imported with unique time-stamped
# names (for each additional duplicate). Earlier versions of this
# script would overwrite the first duplicate with any subsequent
# duplicates that were found in the data file.
# - Allow header fields to be case-insentive so that "Description"
# and "HostName", etc. work just as well as "description" and "hostname"
# Last Modified: 18 Dec, 2017
# - Remove unused (commented out) code block left in from the
# 20 Apr, 2017 changes.
# - Fix required header line message to no longer reference
# 'protocol' field as required.
# - Add fallback locations where the script will attempt to
# write summary log of script's activities/errors/warnings.
# This attempts to facilitate running this script in environments
# where SecureCRT may not have access to a "Documents" folder
# (such as when SecureCRT is being launched through VDI publishing).
# --> First try Documents,
# --> Then try Desktop,
# --> Then try SecureCRT's config folder.
# --> If none of the above are accessible for writing, the
# script will copy the summary report to the clipboard,
# providing the user with a way to see the summary report
# if pasted into a text editor.
# - Added support for defaulting the "folder" header so that all
# new entries could be imported into a folder w/o having to
# specify the folder on each line. Example header line for
# CSV file with only hostname data would be:
# hostname,folder=default_import_folder_name
# Last Modified: 17 Nov, 2017
# - No longer attempt to use platform to determine OS ver info,
# as it's no longer needed.
# Last Modified: 20 Apr, 2017
# - No longer require protocol in header. Use the Default session's
# protocol if the protocol field is not present in the header line.
# - Conform to python join() method requiring only one argument.
# - Prompt for delimiter character if it isn't found in the header line.
# - Allow delimiter character to be NONE, so that a single field (hostname)
# and corresponding data can be used to import sessions (say for example
# if you have a file that just contains hostnames, one per line).
# - [Bug Fix]: can't use + to concatenate str and int, so use format()
# instead.
# - [Bug Fix]: "Procotol" typo fixed to "Protocol" in error case where
# protocol header field not found/set.
# Last Modified: 04 Jan, 2017
# - Added support for specifying logon script file to be set for
# imported sessions.
# Last Modified: 02 Jul, 2015
# - Display status bar info for each line we're processing so that if
# there's an error, the individual running the script might have
# better information about why the error might have occurred.
# - Handle cases where a line in the data file might have more fields
# in it than the number of header fields designated for import. This
# fixes an error reported by forum user wixxyl here:
# https://forums.vandyke.com/showthread.php?t=12021
# If a line has too many fields, create a warning to be displayed
# later on, and move on to the next line -- skipping the current line
# because it's unknown whether the data is even valid for import.
# Last Modified: 20 Jan, 2015
# - Combined TAPI protocol handling (which is no longer
# supported for mass import) with Serial protocol
# import errors.
# - Enhanced example .csv file data to show subfolder specification.
# Last Modified: 21 Mar, 2012
# - Initial version for public forums
# This sample script is designed to create sessions from a text file (.csv
# format by default, but this can be edited to fit the format you have).
# To launch this script, map a button on the button bar to run this script:
# http://www.vandyke.com/support/tips/buttonbar.html
# The first line of your data file should contain a comma-separated (or whatever
# you define as the g_strDelimiter below) list of supported "fields" designated
# by the following keywords:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# session_name: The name that should be used for the session. If this field
# does not exist, the hostname field is used as the session_name.
# folder: Relative path for session as displayed in the Connect dialog.
# hostname: The hostname or IP for the remote server.
# protocol: The protocol (SSH2, SSH1, telnet, rlogin)
# port: The port on which remote server is listening
# username: The username for the account on the remote server
# emulation: The emulation (vt100, xterm, etc.)
# description: The comment/description. Multiple lines are separated with '\r'
# logon_script: The full path to the Logon Script filename for the session.
# =============================================================================
# As mentioned above, the first line of the data file instructs this script as
# to the format of the fields in your data file and their meaning. It is not a
# requirement that all the options be used. For example, notice the first line
# of the following file only uses the "hostname", "username", and "protocol"
# fields. Note also that the "protocol" field can be defaulted so that if a
# protocol field is empty it will use the default value.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hostname,username,folder,protocol=SSH2
# ... and so on
# =============================================================================
Watch this YouTube video if you're having troubles understanding what this script does, or how to go about using it.
批量导入列表适合于使用 SSH 密钥登录方式管理
,先选择脚本再选择自定义配置文件# 找到 Seesions 目录
/Users/wangao/Library/Application Support/VanDyke/SecureCRT/Config/Sessions
# 编辑 SecureCRTSessions.csv