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[德国][ Java ]帮朋友发一个德国公司的 Java 开发职位

  •   vent123 · 2019-02-15 14:12:44 +08:00 · 1930 次点击
    这是一个创建于 2059 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    德国的一个小外包公司,主要做国家部门的外包项目。招计算机,软件工程专业的应届毕业生或者有经验的 Java 开发人员。

    • 工作地点在德国。语言要求英语或德语会一种就行。
    • 公司会提供帮助办理签证等一些手续,公司也会提供帮助解决住宿问题。
    • 职位描述中的薪资是针对应届生和有一点工作经验的。如果有很多年的工作经验,建议自己和公司谈薪水。
    • 已经在德国的朋友如果感兴趣,也可以发简历
    • 感兴趣的话,可以发英语或德语简历到: [email protected] 同时抄送 [email protected] ,并写上 Recommendation from Jia Ding.


    Software developer/architect Java (m/w)

    Who we are?

    Founded in Xanten, Germany in 2000, iCROSS has been supporting production, services and government customers in their implementation of IT solutions based on Java technologies. Among other things, iCROSS SOFTWARE has focused on the development of front and backend solutions in the business intelligence sector (SAP BO, MicroStrategy). As a small company (with large projects), we follow a team-oriented work with flat hierarchies and short distances with success.

    Your tasks

    • Object-oriented analysis, design and implementation of Java-based applications/portals

    • Development of technical and technical implementation concepts

    • Maintenance and further development of existing solutions

    What to bring

    • Study of computer science, software engineering or any other technical training program

    • College English Test(CET-6) 500

    • Experience in development and/or architectural design of Java-based application/web portals

    • Knowledge of development based on JEE (front/backend)

    • Experience in the use/handling of JEE servers (e.g. Oracle Weblogic)

    • Natural use of tools such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA

    • Experience with agile development methods (scrum)



    • Java Unit Test (JUnit, Mockito, etc.)

    • CI experience (Jenkins, Maven, etc.)

    • SVN, Git

    • Clean Code

    • Experience in the use of relational databases (Oracle, Microsoft)

    • Experience in the BI environment (SAP BO, MicroStrategy)

    • Angular, ReactJS

    Nice-to-have language level

    • English: IELTS 6 or TOEFL 80

    • German: Goethe Certificate B2

    What to expect from us

    • A safe job with a perspective in a dynamic team

    • An attractive salary (salary range 35000 – 55000 Euro)

    • Flexible training opportunities

    • Short distances in the company, a fair interaction with each other and a great working climate


    • Germany

    You have the experience you want and are looking for a new challenge? Flexibility, creativity and very good communication are your strength?

    Take advantage of your opportunity: We offer the right environment for your career.

    1 条回复    2019-03-04 22:13:09 +08:00
       2019-03-04 22:13:09 +08:00
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