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Openwrt 96 小时强制断开后自动重拨无网络 求助

  •   Getting · 2019-10-03 14:50:31 +08:00 · 621 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1734 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    96 小时电信强制断开后自动重拨无网络 需要手动去 luci 界面点连接才能有网络 这是原因呢 有没有大佬帮忙分析一下 感觉像是 odhcp6c 在作怪
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[29754]: LCP terminated by peer
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[29754]: Connect time 5760.0 minutes.
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[29754]: Sent 4124110009 bytes, received 1123070470 bytes.
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 10[KNL] disappeared from pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 06[KNL] fe80::1c19:a4dd:449d:8177 disappeared from pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.err odhcp6c[8238]: Failed to send RS (Permission denied)
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 08[KNL] interface pppoe-wan deactivated
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.err odhcp6c[8238]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Permission denied)
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Network device 'pppoe-wan' link is down
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Network alias 'pppoe-wan' link is down
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' has link connectivity loss
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 06[KNL] 240e:f2:82:9056:1c19:a4dd:449d:8177 disappeared from pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' has lost the connection
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: wan_6 (8238): Command failed: Permission denied
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[29754]: Modem hangup
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[29754]: Connection terminated.
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[29754]: Connect time 5760.0 minutes.
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[29754]: Sent 4124110009 bytes, received 1123070470 bytes.
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 13[KNL] interface pppoe-wan deleted
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[29754]: Sent PADT
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[29754]: Exit.
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is now down
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is setting up now
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - slhc
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - ppp_generic
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - pppox
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.err insmod: module is already loaded - pppoe
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: wan (3324): uci: Entry not found
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[3374]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[3374]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.7
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 user.notice ddns-scripts[31142]: myddns_ipv4: PID '31142' terminated by 'SIGTERM' at 2019-09-25 13:01
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 user.notice ddns-scripts[31143]: myddns_ipv6: PID '31143' terminated by 'SIGTERM' at 2019-09-25 13:01
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: pppd 2.4.7 started by root, uid 0
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[3374]: PPP session is 9361
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.warn pppd[3374]: Connected to ac:4e:91:65:81:f1 via interface eth1
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 kern.info kernel: [691198.436034] pppoe-wan: renamed from ppp0
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[3374]: Using interface pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: Connect: pppoe-wan <--> eth1
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[3374]: syncppp not active
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info pppd[3374]: Remote message: Authentication success,Welcome!
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: PAP authentication succeeded
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: peer from calling number AC:4E:91:65:81:F1 authorized
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 07[KNL] interface pppoe-wan activated
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Network device 'pppoe-wan' link is up
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Network alias 'pppoe-wan' link is up
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: local LL address fe80::542f:a783:f62f:42b6
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' has link connectivity
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: remote LL address fe80::ae4e:91ff:fe65:81f1
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 09[KNL] fe80::542f:a783:f62f:42b6 appeared on pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 11[KNL] appeared on pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 04[KNL] disappeared from pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: local IP address
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: remote IP address
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: primary DNS address
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice pppd[3374]: secondary DNS address
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.info : 07[KNL] appeared on pppoe-wan
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan' is now up
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:53 2019 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of wan (pppoe-wan)
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:54 2019 daemon.err odhcp6c[8238]: Failed to send DHCPV6 message to ff02::1:2 (Permission denied)
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:54 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is now down
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:54 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is disabled
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:54 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' has link connectivity loss
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:55 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:55 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:58 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:01:58 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:01 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:01 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:04 2019 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifupdate of wan (pppoe-wan)
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:04 2019 user.notice ddns-scripts[4691]: myddns_ipv4: PID '4691' started at 2019-09-25 13:02
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:04 2019 user.notice ddns-scripts[4692]: myddns_ipv6: PID '4692' started at 2019-09-25 13:02
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:05 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:05 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:08 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:08 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:11 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:11 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:16 2019 user.warn ddns-scripts[4692]: myddns_ipv6: Get local IP via 'interface' failed - retry 1/0 in 60 seconds
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:22 2019 user.err ddns-scripts[4691]: myddns_ipv4: cURL Error: '6'
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:22 2019 user.warn ddns-scripts[4691]: myddns_ipv4: Transfer failed - retry 1/0 in 60 seconds
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:34 2019 cron.info crond[11172]: crond (busybox 1.30.0) started, log level 5
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:34 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:02:34 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:17 2019 user.warn ddns-scripts[4692]: myddns_ipv6: Get local IP via 'interface' failed - retry 2/0 in 60 seconds
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:27 2019 user.err ddns-scripts[4691]: myddns_ipv4: cURL Error: '6'
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:28 2019 user.warn ddns-scripts[4691]: myddns_ipv4: Transfer failed - retry 2/0 in 60 seconds
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:33 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:33 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:39 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Network alias 'pppoe-wan' link is up
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:39 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is enabled
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:39 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' has link connectivity
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:39 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is setting up now
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:42 2019 daemon.info : 07[KNL] 240e:f2:c29:85b0::1 appeared on br-lan
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:42 2019 daemon.notice netifd: Interface 'wan_6' is now up
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:42 2019 user.notice firewall: Reloading firewall due to ifup of wan_6 (pppoe-wan)
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:42 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: DNS rebinding protection is active, will discard upstream RFC1918 responses!
    Wed Sep 25 13:03:42 2019 user.notice dnsmasq: Allowing responses
    Wed Sep 25 13:15:46 2019 daemon.warn odhcpd[2501]: DHCPV6 SOLICIT IA_NA from 0001000121af914868fb7eee9d96 on br-lan: ok 240e:f2:c29:85b0::b96/128
    Wed Sep 25 13:15:47 2019 daemon.warn odhcpd[2501]: DHCPV6 REQUEST IA_NA from 0001000121af914868fb7eee9d96 on br-lan: ok 240e:f2:c29:85b0::b96/128
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