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The FreeBSD Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce the availability of FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE. This is the first release of the stable/13 branch.
Some of the highlights:
The clang, lld, and lldb utilities and compiler-rt, llvm, libunwind, and libc++ libraries have been updated to version 11.0.1.
Removed the obsolete version of the GNU debugger that was installed to /usr/libexec for use by crashinfo(8). Detailed kernel crash information can be obtained by installing modern GDB from ports or packages.
Removed the obsolete binutils 2.17 and gcc(1) 4.2.1 from the tree. All supported architectures now use the LLVM/clang toolchain.
The BSD version of grep(1) is now installed by default. The obsolete GNU version that was the previous default has been removed.
Removed CU-SeeMe support from libalias(3).
The qat(4) driver has been added, supporting some of the cryptographic acceleration functions of the Intel QuickAssist (QAT) device. The qat(4) driver supports the QAT devices integrated with Atom C2000 and C3000 and Xeon C620 and D-1500 platforms, and the Intel QAT Adapter 8950.
Several deprecated drivers have been removed.
Several drivers have been ported to the PowerPC64 architecture.
The kernel now supports in-kernel framing and encryption of Transport Layer Security (TLS) data on TCP sockets for TLS versions 1.0 through 1.3. Transmit offload via in-kernel crypto drivers is supported for MtE cipher suites using AES-CBC as well as AEAD cipher suites using AES-GCM. Receive offload via in-kernel crypto drivers is supported for AES-GCM cipher suites for TLS 1.2. Using KTLS requires the use of a KTLS-aware userland SSL library. The OpenSSL library included in the base system does not enable KTLS support by default, but support can be enabled by building with the WITH_OPENSSL_KTLS option
The 64-bit ARM architecture known as arm64 or AArch64 is promoted to Tier-1 status for FreeBSD 13.
2 条回复 • 2021-04-22 22:03:07 +08:00
Zhouisme 2021-04-14 14:08:17 +08:00 via Android
moonfly 2021-04-22 22:03:07 +08:00 1
读书时学的 RHEL,毕业后进入的第一家公司的商业产品,底层就是 FreeBSD ; 干了 4 年用了 4 年的 FreeBSD,后来连 RHEL 都有点不会用了,主要是忘记了; 换了第二家公司,也是同行业的产品,但底层用的是 CentOS
只有的都深入的用过以后,才不会那么在意争论不同系统的高低; 现在差不多 10 年过去了,我还是很喜欢 FreeBSD,虽然用得已经很少了; 没事的时候,我还是会跑一个全新最新版本的 FreeBSD 系统起来,不为了要做什么,就单纯为了再感受以下当年第一次参加工作时陪我成长的这个系统而已!