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V2EX  ›  shawngao  ›  全部回复第 21 页 / 共 22 页
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2014-06-09 10:36:16 +08:00
回复了 niuer 创建的主题 云计算 七牛云存储新一代存储 V2 上线,社区放送现金券福利升级!
2014-06-03 11:27:43 +08:00
回复了 kfll 创建的主题 iDev App 目录结构都变了....
2014-05-30 14:37:09 +08:00
回复了 shawngao 创建的主题 程序员 个人业余作品: Digital Ocean(Dashboard)终于上线了
@Mihuwa 嗯,还没有官方的
2014-05-30 14:31:07 +08:00
回复了 shawngao 创建的主题 程序员 个人业余作品: Digital Ocean(Dashboard)终于上线了
@remnet 为毛你的名字让我想起 rmnet。。。
2014-05-27 10:09:45 +08:00
回复了 kakii 创建的主题 问与答 隔壁邻居刚来问我要 Wifi 密码
@jasontse 为什么说傻,用了很多年
2014-05-27 10:06:00 +08:00
回复了 kakii 创建的主题 问与答 隔壁邻居刚来问我要 Wifi 密码
2014-05-27 10:01:05 +08:00
回复了 meteor2013 创建的主题 剧集 大家有看《花儿与少年》的吗?涛姐真心不错。
不是说用激光打蚊子吗 - -
2014-05-23 10:01:16 +08:00
回复了 song940 创建的主题 分享发现 DigitalOcean 在我 Destroy Droplet 后又送了我 5USD 让我回来 .
2014-05-22 11:25:46 +08:00
回复了 dennyzhang 创建的主题 iPhone 30 好几的 IT 男,开始技术转型了: iOS freelancer
@dennyzhang 支持楼主
@kavinyao 之前不知道有这样的工具,草根了。
@azhao 对于一个人来说可能是一年才会用到一次,但是对于365位使用mac的开发者来说,这个git每天都会被用到一次,所以基数越大,它的作用才越大
1. a) 用git可以备份,万一想用旧版本可以随时恢复

2. 放在服务器上共享链接那就注定是少数人在维护,毕竟大家精力都有限
2014-05-09 10:41:37 +08:00
回复了 ge2009 创建的主题 问与答 美剧和电影中在墙上涂涂画画的东西
2014-04-24 10:21:07 +08:00
回复了 hahaluluwa 创建的主题 酷工作 上海/法租界/MOKO/美女
2014-04-10 11:16:37 +08:00
回复了 shawngao 创建的主题 iDev 求支招:用 Digital Ocean API 写了个 iOS App 被拒
@66450146 这部分去掉的话就太可惜了。我再想想吧。
2014-04-10 11:09:47 +08:00
回复了 mortal 创建的主题 macOS 有什么好用的 SAMBA 客户端吗?
@mortal 你可以把脚本放到/usr/bin/下面,然后每次执行脚本就可以了
2014-04-10 10:09:45 +08:00
回复了 dfwang 创建的主题 程序员 开发一个产品,缺少 ios 开发同学。
2014-04-10 10:05:45 +08:00
回复了 shawngao 创建的主题 iDev 求支招:用 Digital Ocean API 写了个 iOS App 被拒

11.2: Apps utilizing a system other than the In App Purchase API (IAP) to purchase content, functionality, or services in an app will be rejected
11.13: Apps that link to external mechanisms for account creation, purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, such as a “buy" button that goes to a web site to purchase a digital book, will be rejected

We found that your app provides access to account registration. As this also provides the user access to mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the app, this is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, you app allows paid account creation through the app.

Please see the attached screenshot/s for more information.

To be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines, it would be appropriate to remove the account registration links and any other fully qualified links to your site that could indirectly provide access to these mechanisms, such as links to web pages for support, FAQ, product or program details, etc.


We also found that your app enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality by means other than the In App Purchase (IAP) API, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.

Specifically, your app allows for the purchasing of droplets through the app by adding them.

While the payment system that you have included may conduct the transaction outside of the app, if the purchasable content, functionality, or services are intended to be used within the app, they must be purchased through IAP, within the app - unless it is of the type referenced in Guideline 11.14.

On occasion, there may be apps on the App Store that don't appear to be in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. We work hard to ensure that the apps on the App Store are in compliance and we try to identify any apps currently on the App Store that may not be. It takes time to identify these occurrences but another app being out of compliance is not a reason for your app to be.
It may be appropriate to revise your app to use the In App Purchase API to provide content purchasing functionality.
2014-04-03 14:34:44 +08:00
回复了 mantianyu 创建的主题 问与答 手机通过 usb 共享 PC 网络是用啥技术实现的?
以Android为例:你可以Google “Android USB Tethering"
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