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麻烦进来点评一下 openai 的文字转语音(英语)效果怎么样?

  •   shubiao · 259 天前 · 444 次点击
    这是一个创建于 259 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    小弟还是在各种学习英语, 其中看技术文档后想听一下每个单词怎么读的, 所以想了此办法

    但发现略读还是不少的, 有些地方很别扭, 不知道是我菜还是对方的问题, 请大佬指点一下?

    内容是 react 的官方文档: https://react.dev/learn , 我把代码块之类的删掉了

    openai 参数: tts-hd, Alloy, 速度 1

    转完之后的音频 7 分钟: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11Lk0rd0G7KgewwEzKY6kSm7FJ6A3bqDz/view

    Welcome to the React documentation! This page will give you an introduction to the 80% of React concepts that you will use on a daily basis.

    • How to create and nest components
    • How to add markup and styles
    • How to display data
    • How to render conditions and lists
    • How to respond to events and update the screen
    • How to share data between components

    Creating and nesting components

    React apps are made out of components. A component is a piece of the UI (user interface) that has its own logic and appearance. A component can be as small as a button, or as large as an entire page.

    React components are JavaScript functions that return markup:

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