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[外企] [星展银行] [DBS] [新加坡] [后端开发] [Manager] [Team Lead]

  •   RenchuanXiao · 4 天前 · 1700 次点击


    星展银行,简称 DBS 。具体公司背景网上自行搜索。

    星展银行在中国广州设立了新的研发中心,简称DTC(DBS Tech China)

    • Base 地:广州知识城
    • Monthly Fix Pay: 20k-60k
    • 年假:20 天
    • 带薪病假:30 天
    • 有年终奖。
    • 全额公积金 8%

    联系我: renchuan.xiao1@gmail.com


    Team Lead, Application Developer, Consumer Banking - (WD73022)

    • I&I department is DBS wealth management business unit. On this position, you will gain a wider knowledge of different financial products and deep understanding of core banking as well as financial engineering.We are looking for candidates with ability to demonstrate advanced software programing skills, a solid grasp of software design pattern and practices as well as spirit of craftmanship.
    • Job Description

    As Development Lead, you will lead a team of 10 people

    • Taking the ownership of design and development of DBS Digital Banking and Wealth system which is state of the art technology in Banking industry.
    • Taking the ownership of driving the discussion with business users, other tech leads and architects.
    • Responsible for end to end solution & architecture with consideration of NFR. DBS has placed strong focus on a reliable, scalable and expandable architecture.
    • Responsible for overall project and product success.
    • You will become not only a Tech lead, but develop into full Delivery lead.
    • Lead by example, manage and mentor team members, set team KPI.
    • Provide operational support/troubleshooting for applications and their on-going maintenance.
    • Aware of and willing to learn new technology such as AI, as DBS Digital Banking prides itself as being most advanced technological experimental playground.

    Development Lead, Fullstack - (WD72964)


    • Leading development teams using a hands on approach.
    • Establishing and owning engineering practise by improving current practises and coming up new practises were ever required.
    • Create strategy, guidelines to improve software development, delivery with world-class quality outcomes.
    • Define and own software standards, patterns, methodologies and practices including software quality, execution of agile software delivery.
    • Able to project manage and allocated development capacity to completing scheduled task.
    • Ensure agreed architecture is implemented by development team using agreed on patterns with engineering teams and architects
    • Perform POC’s and come up with patterns and frameworks.
    • Transform requirements into architecture and blueprint for the solution being created.
    • Understands business functions, construct a solution architecture around Microservices and APIs, and be able to decompose monolith applications into meaningful implementable Microservices and APIs in a Cloud/DevOps environment.
    • Ensure that the solution architecture aligns with the roadmaps established by the enterprise architecture, and that it adheres to the enterprise architecture principles.
    • Act as the bridge between Enterprise / Application Architecture and Delivery.
    • Ensure Dev/Ops and CI/CD principles are followed.
    • Mentor and support junior developers to enhance their skills.
    • Maintain coding standards and best practices to ensure code quality.
    • Conduct code reviews to ensure quality and consistency.


    • Possess a Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field, backed by over 10 years of hands-on experience in Technology Consulting and Application Development.
    • Embody a strong sense of responsibility and a proactive "Can-Do" attitude that drives results, particularly in problem-solving, debugging, and optimizing application performance.
    • Excellent in Java Springboot microservices, Java Springboot (spring security, spring integration, spring batch, spring data, spring cloud, spring kafka streams), Libraries and Frameworks JPA, JMS, Maven.
    • Experience with ReactJS, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with the ability to ensure seamless integration between back-end services and front-end interfaces.
    • Working experience with REST API, EventStreaming
    • Experience with database (MariaDB, mysql, oracle etc)
    • Knowledge and understanding of private (Openshift and/or PCF (Vmware Tanzu) and public cloud architecture and systems
    • Good Understanding of MQ, Kafka, multi-thread is an advantage
    • Experience in CI/CD (Git, Jenkin, SonarQube, NexusIQ), DevOps & Test automation
    • Show dedication and a willingness to go the extra mile to meet project and client needs, often requiring creative and innovative solutions to complex technical challenges.
    • Possess excellent organizational skills, empowering you to work autonomously within a collaborative, team-oriented setting while ensuring code quality and maintainability.
    • Strong ability to take ownership of issues and drives resolution across teams
    • Ideally, possess experience in designing, developing, and deploying digital applications, collaborating closely with multidisciplinary teams including Product Owners, Developers and upstream/downstream applicable.
    • Proficiency in workshop facilitation and the ability to diagnose the root causes of complex problems, with a keen understanding of how such insights impact application design decisions.
    • Previous hands-on experience with Agile methodologies, whether as an Agile Delivery Manager, Scrum Master, or contributor to digital/technology projects, within a leading consultancy or an internal digital/technology function, is advantageous.
    • Knowing wealth domain and avaloq is advantageous
    • Quick learner, self-starter, detailed and thorough

    SVP, Team Head, Application Development - (WD72754)

    Business Function

    Group Technology enables and empowers the bank with an efficient, nimble and resilient infrastructure through a strategic focus on productivity, quality & control, technology, people capability and innovation. In Group Technology, we digitalise majority of the Bank's operational processes and inspire to delight our business partners through our multiple banking delivery channels.

    We are seeking a dynamic, talented and passionate technologist to join the team and lead the Finance, Risk and Legal domain of technology unit across core agenda of people, talent, architecture and delivery on a global scale.

    Passion for our customers is key as we'll look to you and your team to adopt an outside-in perspective to truly understand what our customers are looking for and how we can better help them manage their everyday banking that goes with that whenever, wherever they need it

    As the technology leader you will be well experienced in building high performing technology team, driving major cultural and operating model transformation, working in collaboration with multiple stakeholders to deliver the technology roadmap in partnership with the business.

    You'll be leveraging cloud native, high performance distributed architecture, AI and API first principles to deliver desired technology capabilities to support our strategic roadmap.

    Roles & Responsibilities

    • Building and Leading High performing Teams - Attracting, retaining, developing and driving a joyful journey with a talented and diverse group of people
    • Execution - Employing sustainable Agile practices, strong backlog management, mature CI/CD and DevSecOps to deliver complete, working functionality to customers every sprint (and daily to your internal teams)
    • Innovation - Finding creative ways to deliver outcomes to our customers balancing short term outcomes vs longer term sustainability
    • Value - Showcasing your team’s work, focusing relentlessly on the business value, incorporating metrics (ensure data driven decisions) and working with our global stakeholders to ensure we efficiently and effectively are delivering value to our customers and the business
    • Partnership – Partnering with your stakeholders in business and technology in all geographical locations to build a team camaraderie both within and outside of Technology


    • Bachelors in computer science or equivalent
    • 15+ years of relevant working experience in an application development environment
    • Hands-on experience in designing, building and running mission critical, performant, and scalable enterprise solutions in an Agile way
    • Strong knowledge of Agile and Platform culture, Cloud-native, API-everything and AI/ML embedded at the core of everything we build
    • Creativity, Dynamism and Drive to build high performing teams with a passion for bleeding edge technology
    • Ability to navigate complexity
    • Great communication and engagement skills
    • Curiosity to be a continuous learner

    Are you experienced in…

    • Distributed computing and Cloud native architecture
    • Development and Software delivery
    • Engineering and coding bent of mind
    • High performance , cross geographical cultural exposure
    • Chaos engineering, Site Reliability Engineering
    • Agile culture of DevOps, Test Driven Development, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and deployment
    • API and web/mobile app development
    • UI/UX design and development
    6 条回复    2025-03-25 19:52:33 +08:00
       4 天前 via Android
    15 年经验的 lead ,20k 新币还差不多
       4 天前
    咋又是 java
       4 天前
    虽然但是,才 8%的公积金?
       3 天前
    跟楼主或者 job 没有利益关系 不过

    @hahasong 银行和支付正常很多都是 java 呀= =

    @cubecube 这就是广州比较惨的地方->_->公积金 5-8%的很多,深圳工作过的都是 10% 12%,希望早日看齐到 12%
       2 天前
       2 天前
    @BrightSphere good luck
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