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SNIProxy 配置好之后, y2b 不能播放视频怎么解决?

  •   20140930 · 2014-11-30 11:59:46 +08:00 · 2883 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3774 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    # sniproxy example configuration file
    # lines that start with # are comments
    # lines with only white space are ignored
    user daemon
    # PID file
    pidfile /var/run/sniproxy.pid
    resolver {
    error_log {
    # Log to the daemon syslog facility
    syslog daemon
    # Alternatively we could log to file
    #filename /var/log/sniproxy.log
    # Control the verbosity of the log
    priority notice
    access_log {
    # Same options as error_log
    filename /tmp/sniproxy-access.log
    listen 80 {
    proto http
    table https_hosts
    listen 443 {
    proto tls
    table https_hosts
    listen 465 {
    proto tls
    table xmpp_imap_smtp
    listen 993 {
    proto tls
    table xmpp_imap_smtp
    listen 995 {
    proto tls
    table xmpp_imap_smtp
    listen 5222 {
    proto tls
    table xmpp_imap_smtp
    listen 5223 {
    proto tls
    table xmpp_imap_smtp
    listen 5269 {
    proto tls
    table xmpp_imap_smtp
    # named tables are defined with the table directive
    table https_hosts {
    # WordPress
    (.*\.|)wp\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)w\.org$ *
    (.*\.|)wordpress\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)gravatar\.com$ *
    # Wikipedia
    (.*\.|)wikipedia\.org$ *
    # Twitter
    (.*\.|)twimg\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)tinypic\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)twitpic\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)twitter\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)tweetdeck\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)t\.co$ *
    # Facebook
    (.*\.|)facebook\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)fbstatic\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)fbcdn\.net$ *
    # Flickr
    (.*\.|)flickr\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)staticflickr\.com$ *
    # bit.ly
    bitly\.com$ *
    bit\.ly$ *
    # Google
    (.*\.|)googleapis\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)google\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)google\.co\.jp$ *
    (.*\.|)google\.com\.hk$ *
    (.*\.|)google\.com\.tw$ *
    (.*\.|)youtube\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)ytimg\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googlevideo\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googlehosted\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googleusercontent\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)ggpht\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)gstatic\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googlemail\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googlecode\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googledrive\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)blogspot\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)appspot\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)gmail\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googlezip\.net$ *
    (.*\.|)googlesource\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)g\.cn$ *
    (.*\.|)google\.cn$ *
    # ingress
    (.*\.|)panoramio.com$ *
    # Imgur
    (.*\.|)imgur\.com$ *
    # Amazon AWS
    (.*\.|)amazonaws.com *
    # CDN
    github\.global\.ssl\.fastly\.net *
    cdn\.sstatic\.net *
    table xmpp_imap_smtp {
    (.*\.|)google\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)googlemail\.com$ *
    (.*\.|)gmail\.com$ *
    view raw sniproxy.conf hosted with ❤ by GitHub

    http://blog.5istar.net/archives/604 这两个教程里关于google和y2b的都弄进去了,网站和评论都正常,但是视频播放不了。这y2b播放加载的网址googlevideo.com也是这个我添加过了为什么还不能播放啊?
    1 条回复    2017-12-07 01:24:54 +08:00
       2017-12-07 01:24:54 +08:00
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