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求贤, php 开发,地点上海,待遇优厚

  •   Crystalwu · 2016-05-05 17:39:42 +08:00 · 1044 次点击
    这是一个创建于 3076 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    MediaMonks ’ upcoming Shanghai office is searching for a superb PHP Developer. In this role, you ’ ll be joining a small local team that works directly with MediaMonks ’ Amsterdam HQ to develop amazing digital work for the best advertising agencies in the world.

    About the Role

    Alongside PHP Developers at other MediaMonks offices, you ’ ll work as part of a fully comprehensive production operation, specialized in all aspects of digital production.You play a key role in the development of the award-winning campaigns and websites we produce for China ’ s top creative agencies.

    We rely on you to help in the development of backend environments that run as effectively and efficiently as possible.

    When your colleagues in other parts of the world are off duty, you support our Frontend Developers in Shanghai and Singapore with launching, fixing and maintaining websites.


    This independent role requires an expert-level knowledge of PHP and MySQL, as well as experience with the Symfony, Silex and Doctrine frameworks.

    You have at least 3 years of dedicated PHP development experience.

    Full professional proficiency in English is a must.

    Skills with HTML, CSS and JS are considered a major advantage.

    Equally important is your drive, dedication, and sense of responsibility.

    MediaMonks is built around flexibility. Whether that means taking up extra responsibilities or working flexible hours during crunch time, our people do whatever it takes to get a job done.

    Become Our First PHP Developer in China In return for your devotion to clean code, we can offer you a PHP (pretty hot position) at a young and successful international company with a one-of-a-kind culture.

    If you meet and exceed this profile, we ’ d love to meet you. Please be attentive to the requirements for this role and accompany your application with a short cover letter detailing why you ’ re the right guy or girl for the job.

    有意向的小伙伴请发简历到 [email protected] 或者在拉勾上投递: http://www.lagou.com/jobs/1768420.html

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