这是一个创建于 2564 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
看到大概意思是说你充值进去的信誉额度比如是 100 美元,那么从你充值那天算起到第二年这个时候如果还有余额期间又未继续充值(20 美元或更多),那么你的余额将被删除。。。
Hey, your credit is about to expire! Extend credit for another 6 months!
Why do prepaid Envato Credits expire?
Credits or "Envato credits" added to your Envato Market account are valid for 12 months.
If you do not use your Envato credits or add any additional credit within this period, your Envato credits will expire and be removed from your account.
You can view the date of a credit addition by checking your invoice.
Each time you add credit (within a 12 month period), all your existing current credit will be extended for a further 12 months from the date of the new addition of credit.
For example:
1st addition of $50.00 credit on 17 Jul 2015 will expire on 17 Jul 2016
2nd addition of $20 credit on 06 Feb 2016 will expire on 06 Feb 2017
New Total Balance = $70.00. This will expire on 06 Feb 2017
Four weeks before your credits are due to expire, you will receive a reminder email with the option to extend credits for an additional 6 months. If you log into your account during this period, you will see a banner displayed at the top of the screen that will also give you the option to extend your credits (if they have not yet expired).
Please note that limits apply to the amount of credits you can add to your account. Please click here for more information.
Credits that have expired recently may be able to be reinstated. If you have recently expired credits, please submit a ticket.