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中国驾照转新加坡驾照流程和 BTT 考试经验分享

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  •   wsgzao · 2022-11-22 12:35:08 +08:00 · 2205 次点击
    这是一个创建于 840 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    很多从国内来新加坡的朋友可能已有中国驾照,众所周知新加坡买车成本很高,但是增加一本新加坡驾照本身费用不贵且方便你在全球其他国家自驾出行,如果是 PR 和 SC 那么从中国驾照换成新加坡驾照后都是长期有效的,比起在新加坡从零开始学车要付出的成本那是相当划算。各位只要拿出当年准备科目一的态度来学习新加坡基本理论考试 BTT ( Basic Theory Test ),相信很轻松就可以搞定。


    2022 年 11 月 21 日 - 初稿

    阅读原文 - https://wsgzao.github.io/post/singapore-driving/



    1. 报名参加基础理论考试 BTT 可以向三大驾校报名
    2. 向交警总部递交申请准备好所有申请材料去交警总部递交申请
    3. 领取驾照外国人有效期 5 年,PR 有效期终身


    1. 护照原件及复印件(如刚更新过,旧护照也要一起带着)
    2. 新加坡准证原件及复印件
    3. 两寸白底照片一张(护照照片)
    4. 中国驾照原件及复印件
    5. $50 费用(只能用 Cashcard 或 NETS 支付)
    6. 新加坡本地注册翻译公司出示的中国驾照翻译,费用 30-40 新币


    1. 3 所指定 BTT 驾校考点任选其一,想上午考完下午换驾照建议选择 CDC ,有的驾校如 SSDC 支持线上注册和预约 BTT 考试时间,可以少跑一趟驾校
    2. BTT 考试和国内科目一类似,我选择自学没买书,看一遍官方 PDF 然后多刷题 50 题答对 45 以上即可,考试时可以随时切换中英双语,不用慌
    3. 可以提前准备好相关材料原件和复印件,比如中国驾照翻译和照片等
    4. 若换驾照人数较多,请做好 3 小时以上排队时间的心理预期
    5. 驾校注册费 20 左右+BTT 考试 6.5+中国驾照翻译 30+驾照转换 50 ,总计 100 新币左右吧,记得带上 NETS 卡,否则 Visa/Master 不支持就白跑一趟了
    6. 像 EP 工作准证有效期是否少于一年,中国驾照获得时间距离入境新加坡是否超过半年,这些刚性要求请自行查看官方文档确认清楚是否有变化
    7. PR 或者 SC 当前不严格执行 3 个月内换驾照政策,想换的同志们抓紧政策松懈时间冲鸭




    按照新加坡的规定,如果你在来新加坡之前已经有了中国驾照,并且持有中国驾照超过半年以上,然后现在又拿着新加坡的长期签证(工作准证,家属准证,学生准证,新加坡 PR),只需要通过一门简单的理论考试(Basic Theory Test),就可以把中国驾照转换成新加坡驾照了。



    如果在国内考了驾照,只要提供提供在国内工作学习超过一年,并且期间停留超过 6 个月的相关材料,获得公民或 PR 身份后的三个月之内通过理论考试(BTT)转成新加坡驾照就可以了。

    自 2019 年 12 月 9 日起,持有工作准证、学生证或长期探访证的外籍人士可以上网申请更新或更换驾照,不再需要亲自到交警总部办理。申请成功后,驾照会在 7 个工作日内通过挂号信邮寄给申请者。

    大家可以通过新加坡警方网站( www.police.gov.sg/e-services )或 Police@SG App 申请,只需输入 Singpass 。

    如果没有 Singpass ,则可通过 FIN 号码和出生日期申请。




    对于长期签证( EP 、Student Pass 、LTVP 等)的持有者,可以在入境新加坡 12 个月内使用外国的合法驾照,但在 12 个月后必须使用本国驾照。

    对于 PR 和公民,只能使用本国驾照。

    因此,对于长期签证持有者、PR 和公民,如果是在新加坡以外取得的驾照,都需要按照规定换成新加坡本地的驾照。


    对于 PR 和公民,新加坡驾照终生有效,65 岁之前无需 renew ,65 岁之后每 3 年 renew 一次。

    对于长期签证持有者,新加坡驾照的有效期为 5 年,过期之前需要进行 renew 。




    所有 A 类,B 类,C 类都只能转成新加坡的 Class 3 (不多于 7 人,不重于 3 吨),如果是自动档也只能转自动挡。Class 2 以上驾照需要公司帮忙办理,个人无法申请。


    转换驾照针对的是 2B 款和第 3 类( class 3 )驾照,如果你是学习驾照,是不允许转换的。

    同理,如果你想要获得 class 4 或者 class 5 的驾驶牌照,只能重新参加培训和测试,没有直接的驾照转换。

    BTT 考点和新加坡交警总部

    第一步:通过基础理论考试(BTT),SSDC 支持线上预约 BTT 考试

    Bukit Batok Driving Centre Ltd(BBDC) Addr: 815 Bukit Batok West Ave 5, Singapore 659085 URL: https://www.bbdc.sg

    ComfortDelGro Driving Centre(CDC) Addr: 205 Ubi Ave 4, Singapore 408805 URL: https://www.cdc.com.sg

    Singapore Safety Driving Centre(SSDC) Addr: 2 Woodlands Industrial Park E4, Singapore 757387 URL: https://ssdcl.com.sg

    第二步:带上所需文件到交警总部转换驾照,人工预约等待回复时间较长,所以很多人选择 Walk in 排队,建议上午排

    Traffic Police Headquarters (Police Office) Addr: 10 Ubi Ave 3, Singapore 408865 URL: https://www.police.gov.sg/


    准证照片推荐 Picture World ,一般可以直接 walk in 无需预约 Picture World Photo Studio Singapore Address: 261 Waterloo St, #02-11, Singapore 180261 Phone: 6336 2009 http://pictureworld.com.sg/

    中国驾照英文翻译和复印 翻译 30 新币,复印 1 新币,10 分钟就可以当场拿到,每天 11 点到晚 7 点 地址是:478 Geylang Road S389437 (芽笼 24 巷与 26 巷中间,老成都餐馆对面,旁边是漂亮宝贝美发店)

    BTT 复习资料和 APP 推荐

    看下官方 PDF 然后多做做真题模拟训练就能上战场了,纸质书籍可以不用买

    BTT & FTT Handbooks The Basic and Final Driving Theory Handbooks are now available in 4 languages (English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil) from Traffic Police’s Online Learning Portal.

    Click Here to access the portal and follow the steps below:

    • Select Traffic Matters
    • From I’d like to know drop down menu, select “Online Learning Portal”
    • Select “Basic and Final Driving Theory Handbooks” and your preferred language.
    • Start learning the pdf versions of the handbooks.


    https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Advisories/ENG-BTT-working-file-last-updated-30-Jun-2021.ashx https://www.police.gov.sg/-/media/Spf/Advisories/CHI-BTT-last-updated-Jun-2021.ashx

    Android 和 iOS 都支持的应用主要是以下 2 个,Mock Test 做到 45 以上差不多就可以安心考 BTT 了

    • BTT ,广告较多,应用市场搜索 BTT 会出现 BTT 2022 类似字样
    • TP Test ,广告较少,支持 Mock test ,题库准确度看开发者是否更新勤快了


    1. BTT 考试结果显示通过,成绩自动同步,无需准备
    2. 以 PR 为例,其他准证要求请自行查看官方文档
    • Passport ,准备护照原件和复印件(如果近期有更换请带上老护照)
    • NRIC ,准备 PR 原件和复印件
    • Entry & Re-Entry Permits ,准备 PR 特有的 Entry 和 Re-Entery 复印件
    • A valid qualified foreign driving licence ,准备中国驾照原件,复印件,翻译件
    • 两寸白底照片一张

    Explanatory Notes

    SC 和 PR 要求获得 3 个月内更换目前政策摇摆不定,根据实际变化而定,各位以最新要求为准

    1 Foreigners residing in Singapore for a period exceeding 12 months are required to convert their foreign driving licence to a Singapore driving licence in order to drive in Singapore.

    2 Under the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles, Driving Licences) Rules 9A(a) & 9A(b), the prescribed period for the recognition of a foreign driving licence of a person who becomes a Singapore Citizen (SC) or Permanent Resident (PR) of Singapore, is 3 months. The prescribed period for the recognition of a foreign driving licence of a person who is issued with a Work Pass (WP), is 6 months.

    3 The foreign driving licence must be obtained prior to the first issuance of the applicant's pass such as / Diplomat (DIP) / Employment Pass (EP) / Dependent Pass (DEP) / Work Permit (WP) / Permanent Resident (PR) / Social Visit Pass (SVP) / Student Pass (STP) / S Pass (SP). If the licence is obtained after an issuance of the pass, the applicant is required to meet the conversion criteria stated in this Explanatory note.

    4 The applicant has to be in ownership of the foreign driving licence for at least 6 months from the first issue date of the licence before the application can be reviewed.

    Foreign Driving Licence Conversion Criteria

    5 Before applying for a Singapore driving licence, the applicant is required to pass the Basic Theory Test (BTT) at any of the driving centres in Singapore.

    6 The following documents (both originals and photocopies) are required to be produced:

    Singaporean / New Citizen

    Passport NRIC Citizen Certificate Renunciation Certificate A valid qualified foreign driving licence

    Permanent Resident Passport NRIC Entry & Re-Entry Permits A valid qualified foreign driving licence

    Other Permit Holder Passport or SG Arrival Card (Indicating entry stamp during the first issuance of the FIN no.) A valid qualified foreign driving licence Letter of Employment

    7 An official translation of the foreign driving licence by a Singapore registered translation company is required if it is not in English.

    8 An extract of the driving licence record from the Licencing Authority, indicating the date of first issue of the foreign driving licence and the date of expiry of the driving licence.

    9 For Malaysian driving licence holders, an extract from JPJ Malaysia showing the breakdown of the various class(es) of driving licence and the corresponding date(s) of issuance. The extract should be obtained not more than 6 months before the date of conversion application and should include signature(s) and official stamp(s) by JPJ on JPJ issued letter.

    10 A Singapore Citizen who applies to convert a foreign driving licence to a Singapore driving licence has to show:

    a) Documentary proof from a passport of an approved period of one-year stay and purpose of stay in the country which issued the driving license. b) Documentary proof* of a 6-month stay within the one-year approved period.

    [* Show of proof can be in the form of a valid employment visa or proof of employment (eg income tax documents, payslips, letter of overseas posting, etc) valid student visa or proof of studies (eg admission documents, result slips, transcripts, etc and 6 months stay (need not be continuous) before or after obtaining the foreign driving licence in the issuing country within 12 months of approved period].

    11 Conversion for a foreign motorcycle licence is for a Class 2B only. Proof of document on the training and test of competence indicating the use of a higher capacity motorcycle by the Licencing Authority that issues the foreign driving licence, may be submitted for assessment but not regarded as an acceptance for conversion of a higher Class.

    12 An application for conversion of foreign driving licence may be granted after satisfactory verification of particulars and documents furnished. Under Penal Code Act 1871, false particulars given in this application will render the applicant to a fine or imprisonment or both after prosecution.

    FTT 考试和新加坡本地学车流程费用介绍


    小五妈的学车日记 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/108206242 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/127922344

    最新最全新加坡考驾照流程 https://www.yan.sg/kaojiazhaoliucheng/


    APPLICATION FOR FOREIGN CONVERSION OF MALAYSIA DRIVING LICENCE https://form.gov.sg/6295a119a2c170001280b02a

    GUIDE ON HOW TO CONVERT YOUR FOREIGN DRIVING LICENSE IN SINGAPORE – APPLICABLE FOR MALAYSIAN DRIVING LICENSE https://hazeldiary.com/2020/10/guide-on-how-to-convert-your-driving-license-in-singapore/

    新加坡驾照转换指南 https://www.965work.in/archives/singapore-drive-license/

    中国驾照转新加坡驾照攻略(最新政策+流程+所需材料+时间+费用+常见问题) https://www.extrabux.com/chs/guide/7370474

    中国驾照怎么换成新加坡驾照?过期的驾照还能换吗? https://www.yan.sg/jiazhaogouzhenzenmoban/

    1 条回复    2022-11-22 14:12:46 +08:00
       2022-11-22 14:12:46 +08:00
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