为了提高 V2EX 的有效信息质量,在发布交易信息时,除了遵守安全提示中的说明外,也请注意下面的规则:
拼车信息请发到 /go/cosub 节点。
如果没有发送到 /go/cosub,那么会被移动到 /go/pointless。如果持续触发这样的移动,会导致账号被禁用。
2018 年购于数码荔枝,可以绑定到自己邮箱,在 expert3 上激活 expert2 所拥有的功能。
Existing customers, you keep all the features you had before
If you already purchased PDF Expert for Mac:
All the features you had in PDF Expert for Mac are still here, without a subscription. Forever. If you’d like to use new features like OCR and PDF to Word conversion, you can upgrade to Premium with 50% off the first year. This also unlocks the iOS version and gives you access to all the powerful new tools we plan to bring in the future. If you are subscribed to PDF Expert on iOS, you can upgrade and use the app across iPhone, iPad, and Mac at a discounted price of $64.99 for the first year (then $79.99/year).
联系: https://t.me/mdt9PAYZl8j2 (二手交易不用找 bot ,先码后款,因为我没在 3 上激活过所以不太确定具体激活后是咋样的)
aerAzLNE OP 实测了一下,无法换绑邮箱,就不出了
burby 2023-08-30 23:29:57 +08:00 via iPhone
我也用这个,那天手贱点了一下升级,给升级到 v3 了,然后非得让我订阅。
我想去官网找个 v2 的版本,愣是找不着下载链接。气! |
aerAzLNE OP @burby https://dl.lizhi.io/pdf_expert_for_mac 数码荔枝这有存档
jackadm1n 268 天前
不卖了吗?我想在 iPad 上用,做笔记