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加拿大联邦技术移民,终于 PL 了,但是北京签证中心不开门,可以邮寄香港签证中心吗?

  •   Messiv2 · 2020-02-23 21:17:04 +08:00 · 911 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1695 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。

    RT。终于 PL 了,但是北京签证中心不开门,可以邮寄香港签证中心吗? 下面的网址里,英语版写的是只能人肉 /中介递签,繁体字写的是人肉 /邮寄 /中介递签


    Canada Visa Information - Hong-Kong - How To Apply https://www.vfsglobal.ca/Canada/HongKong/English/how_to_apply.html

    You can submit your passport: In person – Bring your original passport, along with the passport request letter, to the Visa Application Centre (VAC).Submitting your passport at the VAC can entail a service charge for package transmission fee (see above ). Through an authorized representative - Send in your original passport, along with the pre-printed passport request letter and a duly filled VFS Global Consent Form for the authorized representative, to the Visa Application Centre. Submitting your passport at the VAC can entail a service charge of package transmission fee (see above ). Mail-in - Send in your passport, your the passport request letter, the applicable VAC fees, the and your contact information, including your email, phone number and return address to the Visa Application Centre. Submitting your passport at the VAC can entail a service charge for package transmission fee (see above ). This should be paid in the form of a bank draft under the payee name of “Glory Visa Consulting Co Ltd”. Payment should be in HKD with the payee bank located in Hong Kong and in exact amount only.

    Please note that the courier service fee for the return of passports is separate from the package transmission fee. For complete details on VAC service charges please check

    您可以透過下列方式遞交您的護照: 親自辦理-攜帶護照正本、1 份護照頁影本、及遞交護照信至加拿大簽證申請中心。遞交護照將收取簽證中心服務費: 文件轉交費(查看上述說明)。。 授權代理人代為繳交申請人護照正本、1 份護照頁影本、遞交護照信及完整填寫授權代理人至簽證申請中心的 VFS 服務同意書。遞交護照將收取簽證中心服務費: 文件轉交費(查看上述說明)。。。 郵遞送件-將護照正本、1 份護照頁影本、遞交護照信、文件轉交費及快遞費(匯款證明)以及您的聯絡資訊,包含電子郵件、電話以及回郵地址)郵遞至加拿大簽證申請中心

    遞交護照將收取簽證中心服務費:文件轉交費(查看上述說明)。 將簽證中心服務費及快遞費轉帳至指定銀行帳戶。請注意,寄回護照的快遞服務費與簽證中心服務費是不同的費用。


       2020-02-24 06:08:01 +08:00
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