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回复总数  13
我赌 100 块,他们吹得这些他们自己都不信。
@niboy 看看国际大厂

I just got the following response from aws support:


Thank you for waiting for me while my service team reviewed the issue.

I have received an update from them. They have informed me that the reason you were seeing the charge is that the Free Tier offering has not completed updating to include IPv4 for all accounts yet which were created between 2023 and 2024.

They have also confirmed with me that all AWS accounts effected will be corrected, and the charge will be removed from the account before the end of February 2024.

You're welcome to reach out to me should you have any further questions or concerns.

We value your feedback. Please share your experience by rating this and other correspondences in the AWS Support Center. You can rate a correspondence by selecting the stars in the top right corner of the correspondence.

Best regards,

Amazon Web Services
156 天前
回复了 nanofrog 创建的主题 Amazon Web Services ipv4 地址收费后怎么办?
@silverwolf warp 会产生流量费用,如果是 free tier 的话就不值得了
我的自动分配的 IPv4 也收费了
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@yeshiwei 呵呵,玩笑了。刚读大学的,一是基础的数学方面的内容,还有就是软件工程,看故事,还有行业故事,看小说。


300 可能不够。。。。
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