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88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!
@Kinnice #15

还是不行,dns 能正常解析,就是加载不了数据
88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!


"query_type": "HTTPS",
"server": "dns_block"

"protocol": "quic",
"outbound": "REJECT"


YouTube 提示 “你没有联网,请检查网络连接”

sing-box log:
00 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;34m776360169 [0m 0ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 0ms] inbound/tun[tun-in]: inbound packet connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 0ms] inbound/tun[tun-in]: inbound packet connection to
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 0ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;79m2750227519 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;99m1486284115 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;79m2750227519 [0m 2ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to youtubei.googleapis.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;99m1486284115 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to i.ytimg.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;79m2750227519 [0m 4ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;79m2750227519 [0m 4ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to youtubei.googleapis.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;99m1486284115 [0m 6ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;99m1486284115 [0m 7ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to i.ytimg.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 137ms] dns: exchanged youtubei.googleapis.com A youtubei.googleapis.com. 48 IN A
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 137ms] dns: exchanged youtubei.googleapis.com A youtubei.googleapis.com. 48 IN A
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 137ms] dns: exchanged youtubei.googleapis.com A youtubei.googleapis.com. 48 IN A
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 137ms] dns: exchanged youtubei.googleapis.com A youtubei.googleapis.com. 48 IN A
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:09 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;49m3105964833 [0m 137ms] dns: exchanged youtubei.googleapis.com OPT OPT PSEUDOSECTION: EDNS: version 0 flags: MBZ: 0x0030, udp: 512 SUBNET:
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;150m2746803334 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;44m2308182003 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;150m2746803334 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to redirector.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;44m2308182003 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to redirector.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;80m2529361728 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;150m2746803334 [0m 3ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;44m2308182003 [0m 3ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;150m2746803334 [0m 4ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to redirector.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;44m2308182003 [0m 3ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to redirector.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;80m2529361728 [0m 3ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to redirector.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;80m2529361728 [0m 5ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;80m2529361728 [0m 5ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to redirector.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;170m2162216858 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;170m2162216858 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to rr1---sn-i3belne6.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;145m3191687809 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;145m3191687809 [0m 1ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to rr5---sn-i3b7knsl.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;48m2237773047 [0m 0ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection from
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;48m2237773047 [0m 2ms] inbound/mixed[mixed-in]: inbound connection to rr4---sn-i3b7kns6.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;170m2162216858 [0m 9ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;145m3191687809 [0m 8ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;170m2162216858 [0m 9ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to rr1---sn-i3belne6.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;145m3191687809 [0m 8ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to rr5---sn-i3b7knsl.googlevideo.com:443
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;48m2237773047 [0m 9ms] router: found package name: com.google.android.youtube
+0800 2024-11-20 10:59:11 [36mINFO [0m [ [38;5;48m2237773047 [0m 9ms] outbound/shadowsocks[🇭🇰 香港-A-02]: outbound connection to rr4---sn-i3b7kns6.googlevideo.com:443
88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!

那 dns 配置怎么改比较好,指导一下
88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!

box for root 我试过了,一样的问题,不知道是不是我的 dns 配置有问题,我的 iptables 规则就是参考 box for root 项目的
88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!
@wukaige #10

88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!

手机里面能访问 youtube 和 google play 的网页版,就是 app 有问题
88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!

手机没有 nft 命令
88 天前
回复了 wukaige 创建的主题 Linux 有了解 iptables 的大佬吗,需要帮助!
93 天前
回复了 syh2 创建的主题 问与答 分享你们的电话卡套餐
联通大王卡:19 月租 + 70G 通用流量 + 30G 定向流量
93 天前
回复了 bigbugbag 创建的主题 程序员 macOS 中有 Oh My Zsh 的上位替代么?
@bigbugbag #103

可以的,开启 zmodload zsh/zprof 后,在 zsh 里面按几次回车键,再运行 zprof ,会显示函数调用次数与耗时,类似于下面这种:

2) 10 397.99 39.80 14.63% 397.99 39.80 14.63% _atuin_preexec
早上 5 点起床,晚上 8 点多就非常困了,可以试试
94 天前
回复了 bigbugbag 创建的主题 程序员 macOS 中有 Oh My Zsh 的上位替代么?
# zsh boot time report
start=$(date +%s.%N)
zmodload zsh/zprof


zprof | head -n 20; zmodload -u zsh/zprof
echo "Runtime was: $(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc)"

用 zprof 看看耗时的是哪些插件,然后着手优化就像,之前 zsh shell 启动需要 1s 左右,砍掉大部分耗时插件再用 zinit 延迟加载,现在只要 0.1 s 左右。
学 rust ,赌一个未来。

佬,为啥我的 wechat 需要 sudo 权限才能启动,我通过 wechat.desktop 启动不了 wechat ,必须在命令行 sudo wechat 才能启动,要不然就会报错:

zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) wechat
[1111/095014.027099:ERROR:exception_handler_server.cc(53)] EPOLLERR: Connection reset by peer (104)
没法输入中文 ,用的 rime 输入法
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