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2022-07-18 14:57:22 +08:00
回复了 GCP 创建的主题 生活 带父母体检,真的很重要!
@GCP @murmur 两位大佬 请问您建议每年给父母买市面上哪个体检套餐呢? 希望健康长伴您左右. 谢谢 . 很多人也担心过度检测.
2022-07-18 12:43:33 +08:00
回复了 HertzHz 创建的主题 程序员 只有我觉得 macOS 的“防误触”功能很反人类吗?
@20015jjw 关于触摸板手掌误触的问题我也经常碰到, m1 mba 系统 12.2.1, 跟 @emberzhang 一样深受困扰, 买 MBA 就是看上触摸板和屏幕, 我去店里试了一会儿样机没有发生误触, 大佬我这种情况到底是 是我的原因还是设备原因呢? 我打字的指法还是标准的,作为 10 多年五笔盲打用户 ,实在纳闷, 谢谢分享
2022-07-18 12:19:34 +08:00
回复了 tomatoeshi 创建的主题 Apple 各位有没有感觉 Catalina 下掌心很容易令触摸板误触啊
楼主你好 打扰 我现在是 Monterey 12.2.1 ,触摸板也经常误触,请问据您观察这是系统的原因还是设备原因呢? 谢谢分享
2022-07-18 12:06:55 +08:00
回复了 wikiwiki6 创建的主题 问与答 求软路由推荐
@dcty 谢谢大佬指点. 我看了官方仓库的配置文件示例, shellclash 没法像 v2ray 那样配置 vmess 入站 和出站? 好像只能做客户端, 我还需要它做 vmess 服务端 让我在外面连回家里 n1, 请问有办法吗? 感谢
2022-07-16 22:19:06 +08:00
回复了 wikiwiki6 创建的主题 问与答 求软路由推荐
@dcty 大佬你好,请问 你 armbian +shellclash 如何做旁路由呢? 要再配置 Iptables 路由表吗? 我记得 shellclash 只是局域网代理?如何让家庭其他设备 N1 的流量也走代理?谢谢
2022-07-16 15:59:45 +08:00
回复了 7zlid 创建的主题 优惠信息 某宝某鱼有大量低价戴尔雷电 3 数据线销售
@x128akp539 同问,这线大家最主要用途干嘛
2022-07-13 18:45:45 +08:00
回复了 programV2 创建的主题 问与答 [求助]某神隐 V 友的无忧行自动签到脚本运行报错
@asvow V2 大佬好, 非常感谢您的分享, 我执行后发现报错,返回提示 app 是旧版本需要升级, 看来应该是服务器端开始检测系统版本,请问您的代码要修改哪个地方才能绕过这个检测? 能否指点一下. 再次感谢
2022-07-09 18:48:27 +08:00
回复了 notgoda 创建的主题 问与答 Docker 数据库即删即建 是我想得太美了吗?
@licoycn 谢谢大佬。那如果迁移到別的 vps, 请问 只需要把这些所有的 mount 目录备份 迁移到新 vps, 是否需要在旧 vps 备份数据库然后新的 vps 导入数据库?

2022-07-09 15:06:53 +08:00
回复了 notgoda 创建的主题 问与答 Docker 数据库即删即建 是我想得太美了吗?
@huyujievip 为什么?目录 mount 到 host 跟虚拟机一样
@nicholasxuu 谢谢!我镜像确认没问题。volume mount 也成功了。请问你 docker-compose down 删除所有容器后 执行 docker-compose up -d , 不需要再重新导入一遍数据库吗?
另外 如果迁移到別的 vps, 请问 只需要把这些所有的 mount 目录迁移到新 vps,也不需要旧 vps 备份数据库然后新的 vps 导入数据库?

2022-07-09 11:44:26 +08:00
回复了 balabalaguguji 创建的主题 分享创造 我的 Docker 教程排名第一了
@iintothewind 两位大佬,请问 docker 搭建博客,nginx +php +mysql 三容器.各个都做了 volume 映射:其中 MySQL 如下
image: xxxx:$MYSQL_TAG
container_name: "${PROJECT_NAME}_mysql"

- "./drupal/mysql:/var/lib/mysql"
restart: always

因为 Docker 是即删即建,我碰的问题是 docker-compose down 删除所有容器后 执行 docker-compose up -d , 为什么 MySQL 数据库容器没有读取./drupal/mysql 目录数据来恢复到删除前状态,还是要重新进 MySQL 容器执行导入数据库,谢谢解惑!
2022-07-09 00:48:04 +08:00
回复了 5up3r 创建的主题 iPhone 主用美区无故 appleID App Store 被锁
@5up3r 你研究 过这个沒?- You can use Content from up to five different Apple IDs on each device.
2022-07-08 23:02:02 +08:00
回复了 5up3r 创建的主题 iPhone 主用美区无故 appleID App Store 被锁
@nezumi85757 楼上各位老铁好 , 我看了他这个协议,没有看到说禁止在帐号注册地以外使用 注册的帐号, 然后我之前两年前吧,有跟美国的苹果客服联系过,她也没说禁止在中国用美国的苹果帐号。并且在中国有很多老外, 苹果公司肯定也知道这种情况啊。 请问你们提到的规则 有链接出处可以分享一下吗?


Your use of the Services and Content must follow the rules set forth in this section (“Usage Rules”). Any other use of the Services and Content is a material breach of this Agreement. Apple may monitor your use of the Services and Content to ensure that you are following these Usage Rules.

All Services:

- You may use the Services and Content only for personal, noncommercial purposes (except as set forth in the App Store Content section below).

- Apple’s delivery of Services or Content does not transfer any commercial or promotional use rights to you, and does not constitute a grant or waiver of any rights of the copyright owners.

- You can use Content from up to five different Apple IDs on each device.

- For any Service, you can have up to 10 devices (but only a maximum of 5 computers) signed in with your Apple ID at one time, though simultaneous streams or downloads of Content may be limited to a lower number of devices as set out below under Apple Music and Apple TV content. Each computer must also be authorized using the same Apple ID (to learn more about authorization of computers, visit https://support.apple.com/HT201251). Devices can be associated with a different Apple ID once every 90 days.

- Manipulating play counts, downloads, ratings, or reviews via any means — such as (i) using a bot, script, or automated process; or (ii) providing or accepting any kind of compensation or incentive — is prohibited.

- It is your responsibility not to lose, destroy, or damage Content once downloaded. We encourage you to back up your Content regularly.

- You may not tamper with or circumvent any security technology included with the Services.

- You may access our Services only using Apple’s software, and may not modify or use modified versions of such software.

- Video Content requires an HDCP connection.

Audio and Video Content Sales and Rentals:

- You can use Digital Rights Management (DRM)-free Content on a reasonable number of compatible devices that you own or control. DRM-protected Content can be used on up to five computers and any number of devices that you sync to from those computers.

- Content rentals are viewable on a single device at a time, and must be played within 30 days, and completed within 48 hours of the start of play (stopping, pausing or restarting does not extend this period).

- You may burn an audio playlist of purchased music to disc for listening purposes up to seven times; this limitation does not apply to DRM-free Content. Other Content may not be burned to disc.

- Purchased Content will generally remain available for you to download, redownload, or otherwise access from Apple. Though it is unlikely, subsequent to your purchase, Content may be removed from the Services (for instance, because the provider removed it) and become unavailable for further download or access from Apple. To ensure your ability to continue enjoying Content, we encourage you to download all purchased Content to a device in your possession and to back it up.

App Store Content:

- The term “Apps” includes apps and App Clips for any Apple platform and/or operating system, including any in-app purchases, extensions (such as keyboards), stickers, and subscriptions made available in such apps or App Clips.

- Individuals acting on behalf of a commercial enterprise, governmental organization or educational institution (an “Enterprise”) may download and sync non-Arcade Apps for use by either (i) a single individual on one or more devices owned or controlled by an Enterprise; or (ii) multiple individuals on a single shared device owned or controlled by an Enterprise. For the sake of clarity, each device used serially or collectively by multiple users requires a separate license.

Apple Music:

- An Individual Apple Music membership allows you to stream on a single device at a time; a Family membership allows you or your Family members to stream on up to six devices at a time.

Apple Arcade:

- Apple Arcade Apps may only be downloaded, or redownloaded, with a valid Apple Arcade trial or subscription.

- If your subscription ends, Apps downloaded via Apple Arcade will no longer be accessible to you.

Apple TV Content:

- For most channels, you can stream Content on up to three devices simultaneously.

- Learn more about Apple TV Content Usage Rules at https://support.apple.com/HT210074.
2022-07-08 19:22:22 +08:00
回复了 gordon96 创建的主题 生活 深受蟑螂困扰!
@wonderfulcxm 请问烟雾弹有链接吗? 谢谢
2022-06-27 19:55:49 +08:00
回复了 dangyuluo 创建的主题 问与答 有没有推荐的家庭监控解决方案?
楼主 我也在找方案 刚好搜索到你的帖子,请问您最后找到免费开源的方案了吗? 谢谢
2022-06-14 13:03:23 +08:00
回复了 lizhiqing 创建的主题 宽带症候群 AWS S3+Cloudfront 无限流量?
2022-06-06 17:57:01 +08:00
回复了 ghmum 创建的主题 问与答 现在 mac 上有什么很好的中英文切换方案吗?
@meisen 各位 v 友请教一个问题,M1 air 键盘长按 1 到 2 秒中英文切换按键启用大写锁定, 然后只要按一下 同样按键 就可以取消大写锁定返回原来的输入法状态? 原来的输入法如果是中文 ,启用大写锁定后输出应该是全角英文吗?
2022-05-31 02:49:38 +08:00
回复了 yxnwh 创建的主题 问与答 移动无忧行 jegotrip 的自动签到脚本,有大佬能再写一个吗
@yxnwh 大佬,你好 请问你现在用的无忧型版本是多少? 能够分享一下你在用的脚本吗?谢谢
2022-05-30 19:21:42 +08:00
回复了 notgoda 创建的主题 问与答 无意中发现日常消费的大品牌居然是无耻至极,你会怎么办?
@Cagliostro 对 食品. 这个品牌不知道你听过没? 关键是要不是这个文书 你我都不大可能知道厂家存在这问题. 对于其他你经常购买的品牌 你怎么避免你不会买到这种食品呢?
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